It’s time for Tuesday’s Tip with The Kitchen Whisperer and today we’re going to talk about spices. LOL Wha? I can’t help it. It’s just something that will pop up in my head whenever I hear the word spice. I know, I’m a dork but hey, you love me… right??? <insert excessive batting of the baby blues here>
With the holidays long gone I’m sure it’s about time to restock your pantry with chocolate chips, nuts and spices. Now while you may still be sticking to your new year’s resolution eat healthier, we can overlook the chocolate for now (yes I’m shocked too that I just uttered those words) and concentrate on your spices.
So how often should you replace them? The general rule of thumb is every 6 months but if you keep them in a dark, dry area in an air tight container they can last up to a year. You want to ensure that the spice jar is tightly capped and kept away from heat, moisture and direct sunlight (don’t store your spices over the stove, dishwasher, sink or near a window). You might also consider refrigerating spices that belong to the red pepper family — like paprika and chili power. This will help them retain color and freshness.
What I will often do is buy the spices in bulk and make up some spice jars for holiday gifts. It saves me a couple of bucks and this way I know my friends are using fresh spices. Normally I write a note on the basket saying “Out with the old and in with the new! Toss your old spices!”
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