*yawn* I’m one tired puppy today folks. Friday night I got home late but still went to the gym. I did a hardcore leg workout (hack squats, leg press, sled, leg extensions, calf raises, abductors and adductors) at the gym. Then Saturday morning I was WIDE AWAKE at 4:30am. Yes! 4:30 A.M on a SATURDAY!!! Since I couldn’t fall back asleep (cause I never can do that) I went and stripped the bed, got the laundry and dishes done by 6am. I was out the door by 7:30am and went back to the gym for an hour-long spin class. Yes, I’m an idiot for this as my legs were sore to begin with. And of course it was a new instructor for me who felt the need to go a bajillion miles an hour up hill on EXTREME high! I had to break out my inhaler… twice! But I stuck with it though I secretly wished one of those muscle-bound dudes would have picked me up (literally) and carried me to my car. Yeah, good thing no one did as I don’t think Mr. Fantabulous would appreciate that. Plus I would probably get all weirded out with some random dude touching me.
After the gym I hit up Sam’s club, the grocery store, HomeGoods (naturally) and came home to cook 8 recipes, do 2 photo shoots AND shower… twice! I didn’t finish up yesterday until almost 8pm to which I realized that I was starving. Even though I cooked all day I only ended up having a protein drink and few bites of tuna fish. Did you ever get like that? You’re so busy that you just forget to eat? I get that way often – especially when I’m cooking a huge holiday meal. You cook and cook and cook for hours on end only to sit down to have dinner with the family ready to fall asleep. Well that was me last night.
So how was your week? Mine was good, busy and semi-painful. Monday I woke up with a very lovely snow and ice storm to where I literally couldn’t even get off of my porch due to the 1″ of ice on top of the 5″ of snow we had. And since ‘grace’ appears no where in my name, this child stayed put and worked from home. Thursday I met the devil (okay not really but she hurt me so she’s the devil). I had my MRA done on my shoulder. I swear to God this woman used a harpoon to inject the contrast into my shoulder joint. But me, again being an idiot, after she’s all done with the MRI’s ask if I can go work out that night. She gives me the “oh you’re on crack lady!” look and says ‘No, the pain you felt before you get here will be doubled, if not tripled over the next 48 hours. Your arm and shoulder will feel heavy and it’ll hurt like hell.”
Dear God that woman is psychic (or psychotic)! By the time I got home I wanted to curl up into Mr. Fantabulous’ arms and just ball like a baby it hurt so bad. My arm I swear weighed 500 pounds. Now I’m not one to take pain pills but yeah, this time I welcomed them when he came into the bedroom and informed me that I HAD to take them. And out to snoozeville I went. Friday my shoulder hurt still but again, I’m an idiot and worked out but I figured it would be easier as it was “just legs”. HA! Leg day, while it’s my favorite workout day, is also the hardest. For me my thighs are my biggest trouble area so I work them harder than the rest of my body.
So on to more happy stuff… enough of my whining already, right? And yes, I’d like some cheese to go with my whine TYVM. lol This Saturday is Valentine’s day. Are you a hardcore romantic? Do you expect roses, a heart shape box of candy and a card? Sure those things are nice but there are other things you can do that don’t cost money. Have the dishes done, clothes put away (and dirty stuff picked up), make dinner AND do the dishes. Valentine’s day has become so commercialized that its lost it’s meaning. Sure it’s more of a man-made type holiday (yes I know there’s a St. Valentine) but for me, go simplistic and genuine. Mr. Fantabulous is awesome with stuff like this. I’ll find random notes in my car, my laptop bag, my purse, my shoes. He’ll call me just to say he loves me or is thinking of me and hangs up. He’ll make a card and write me something from the heart. That, THAT is what melts my heart. Not the box of candy or the flowers or the $10 card from Hallmark. A simple piece of paper that I find randomly that says “As you’re reading this, know that I was thinking of you and smiling at 12:43am. I love you!”
FYI…this works on box the fellas and the ladies. Anyone can buy those commercialized things but when you take the time to do or say something for me on your own that you made, wrote, cooked, whatever… it’s just perfect! So if you’re loved one does those little things then they are a keeper! It means they care enough to put thought into you; thought into what they can do to make you happy and melt your heart.
And with that all, I wish you a fantabulous week and Happy Puffy Heart day!
♥ Monday –Italian Style Zucchini Ribbon Noodle Pasta
♥ Tuesday –Ultimate Pittsburgh Steak Wedgie
♥ Wednesday –Pork Cutlets and Mashed Potatoes
♥ Thursday –Beer ‘n BBQ Pulled Chicken Subs
♥ Friday –Cheese Lovers Calzone
♥ Saturday – Happy Valentine’s Day!
♥ Sunday –Stuffed Breakfast Boats
♥ Dessert of the week – Gourmet Double Chocolate Covered Strawberries
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