ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am sooooooooooo not a DIY’er! 9 years of living house where your entire, ENTIRE downstairs, is under construction is pain in the butt. It’s manageable but still a pain. Sure I haven’t sat on a couch in 9 years to watch tv, or used our pool table, or had a real party but again, manageable. HOWEVER to come home and find out that your entire kitchen is being remodeled well, let’s just say I wasn’t too happy. I know crazy, right? Who wouldn’t want a brand new kitchen? Well the thing is, I wasn’t really prepared meaning I had no freezer meals prepped and I literally got my freezer down the bare minimum. So… how do you cook food without a real kitchen AND if you’re like me, still create recipes to share? Well on today’s Tuesday Tip with The Kitchen Whisperer I’m going to share with you on how to cook during a kitchen remodel.
♥ Find a clean prep space on a table or counter (yes, even if it’s in the bathroom – just some place you can clean your utensils and cutting boards/pots).
♥ When it comes to meals think easy, one pot type recipes. Note you’ll need an induction burner for this.
♥ Use a slow cooker. They are super simple and no fuss.
Crock Pot Honey Sesame Chicken
Crock Pot Italian Style Pot Roast
♥ Next, use a Pressure Cooker. These things are a God send for me! If you have access to a gas stove then I HIGHLY recommend the All-Clad PC8. If you only have electric, go with either the Emeril by T-fal CY4000 or the Instant Pot!
Honey BBQ Boneless Chicken Thighs
Pressure Cooker Perfectly Poached Chicken Breasts
For more Pressure Cooker recipes, definitely start here!
Lastly my toaster convection oven which is perfect for hoagies, baked potatoes, roasted veggies and french bread pizza.
As you notice I didn’t recommend the microwave. I never EVER cook in it and neither should you.
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