I have a confession, I cannot crimp a pretty pie to save my soul. I have great intentions but I seriously suck at it. So either I end up rolling my crust, using the tines of a fork or cheating and cutting out strips of pie dough, braiding it and then laying that on top of the crust. But those old-fashioned pies Mom would make or that you’d find in a diner – yeah I can’t make those crusts. Now my pie crusts ROCK, but I can’t make ’em pretty. Until now… On this week’s edition of Tuesday’s Tip with The Kitchen Whisperer I’m sharing with you how to make Perfectly Crimped Pie Crusts Every Single Time!

Now some of you may scoff at using real pearls so yes you can use the fake costume jewelry pearls but please make sure they are scrubbed clean. The fake pearls may be coated with chemicals first so be sure to wash them in soap water first.
- Well once you roll out dough, cut off the overhang.
- Wash and dry your pearls completely.
- Unclasp the pearls until you have a long rope.
- Take the start of the first pearl and press it down into the pie crust and continue pressing the rest of the pearls down around the rim of the pie crust going all the way around the rim.
- Gently pull up the string and you have a perfectly crimped pie crust!
- Wash and dry your pearls for the next time.
Note: Mix it up – if you have different sized pearls, try the bigger strands to make a deeper/bigger impression. If you have a larger pie crust edge, go with a dual strand.
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