Get out of that same ol’ recipe rut and try one of these delicious and easy recipes this week! This week I highly recommend making the Apple Bundt Cake with Cinnamon Cheesecake Swirls and Cheesy Spaghetti Squash Pizza and the Pressure Cooker Guinness Corned Beef with Cabbage, Potatoes & Carrots!
Happy Sunday TKW Family! So I have been trying to write this post since 8:30am today but one thing after the other kept me away from my work. First it was the stupid outside security cameras going off every 30 seconds, not because of an intruder, but because a bird and bug were fighting on one of the cameras. The bird won and I was able to sit down at the kitchen island while eating my bagel to start writing this. And then my phone starting blowing up (not literally) but with a million texts and DM’s on Instagram. Fortunately it was all good stuff. Once I was done with that, I started to eat my bagel and make the graphic…and then Mr. Fantabulous came out to the kitchen.
He was hungry… <sigh>. LOL I made him his breakfast while eating mine, leaving this post to wait. Once I cleaned that up I decided to move downstairs in to my office figuring I wouldn’t be bothered then. WRONG! <ding dong> – Amazon was here via our local mail carrier. She and I chatted for a bit and I gave her some of the test batch cookies I made yesterday to try. The eyes-rolling-to-the-back-of-her-head look meant they were a huge win. I close the door, head back downstairs only to have Mr. Fantabulous ask if he can use my phone and my $300 wireless Bose headphones while works outside in the woods doing leaves and branches. Um no… You’ll lose my phone and you’ll scratch my headphones. Why doesn’t he use his phone or headphones? ….the man never set up his phone with music or his headphones.
This apparently became my job. Technology is great but when you’re dealing with an $800 phone and $300 set of headphones just to listen to music while you do manual yard work… call me crazy but I really don’t want to subject those high value items to getting broken or even scratched! These are the days I miss cassette Walkmans! $19.99 at Ames or Hills and you were OK if you lost/broke it!
When did convenience become so expensive? I best in 5 years this phone or these headphones will probably only cost $25 each. I mean look at when Walkmans first came out. Weren’t they like a couple hundred bucks for wired foam headphones and really only had play, fast forward, rewind and stop buttons? They were bulky and forget trying to fit it in your pocket! Heck no, those things you had to clip to your belt! Yeah – try working out now with one of those! They were always in the way!
Last week was a blur – I know I was crazy busy but for some reason I really can’t pinpoint my day-to-day activities. Is that the first sign of old age? LOL
Blog updates
Last week I rolled out another new feature on the blog. At the top of every post, right below the tittle, is a “Jump to Recipe” and “Print Recipe” hyperlinks. This way, for those of you folks that aren’t a fan of scrolling (or reading my blog though you really should as I’m pretty damn funny LOL), you can click the “Jump to Recipe” and it’ll take you straight to the recipes. Though you should know I often gives tips and info about the recipe in the actual post that may not make it into the recipe.
Saturday we spent the day with the Fantabulous in-laws and several friends. Twice a year we go to a huge Gun Bash to show support with a bunch of our friends. While we weren’t huge winners, we did win. I won one of the 50/50’s, Mama won a 6-pack of beer (which had me laughing so hard) and we all got a bunch of t-shirts. But honestly, it’s not about winning but more so about spending time with such great friends and family! I get to spend the day with my elementary school librarian and his wife. I’ve known this man for decades and he is one of the nicest guys ever! Clete and Karen – we love you both! We took a few dozen cookies with us and Mama sent us home with her famous biscotti! Now, even though at these bashes they serve food all day long, Mr. Fantabulous wanted to stop at one of our favorite pizza shops in the city on the way home. It was close to midnight and we, fortunately, got there before the bar crowd. As soon as we walked up our buddy, Kevin, that has been working there for years got the biggest smiles. We’ve known him for years and he always takes care of us. Even though they were busy he came over to chat with us and hint around for any cookies. I swear the man has a nose like Mr. Fantabulous when it comes to my baked goods. Fortunately I had some Oatmeal Raisin ones left in the car so I sent the hubby out to get them. As soon as he brought them in, Kevin grabbed them and put them away. He told all the guys, “These are MY cookies! You touch these and I will stab you with a pizza cutter!” LOL I lost it! I told him when I host my cookie exchange that he has to come up for the day. I swear the man was going to leap over the counter and plant a fat wet one on me.
Test Recipes
Last week I got the chance to finally work on some new recipes. A few new meatless (and even beanless burger recipes). some new cookie ones and even a new chili. The chili one though, going to be honest here – it’s hard for me to not add beans to it. I’m a Mo’beans kind of girl when it comes to chili but so many of you wanted it without beans so I’m doing it for you.
Last week on Instagram
I had some Cinnamon Swirl bread from Jenny Lee Bakery in Pittsburgh therefore French toast was needed!
And then there’s this White Bean and Sauteed Mushroom Blended Veggie Burger – that Mr. Fantabulous LOOOOOOOOOOOVED!!!
Then we have this picture of me at out Sterman Masser’s Potato Farms digging up potatoes!
And lastly we have these test batch cookies that I may or may not have already eaten 3 of today!
And with that guys, have one fantabulously amazing week!
♥ Monday – Proposal Chicken – Ultimate Roasted Chicken
♥ Tuesday – Shaved Asparagus Prosciutto Pasta
♥ Wednesday – Pressure Cooker Guinness Corned Beef with Cabbage, Potatoes & Carrots
♥ Thursday – Best Ever Pork Roast and Sauerkraut
♥ Friday – Guinness Corned Beef Reuben Pizza
♥ Saturday – Asian Chicken Lettuce Cups
♥ Sunday – Pressure Cooker Boneless Thick-Cut Pork Chops with Oniony Mashed potatoes and Pork Gravy!
♥ Dessert of the week – Apple Bundt Cake with Cinnamon Cheesecake Swirls
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