Find the recipe card at the end of the post. Make sure to read the content as it contains chef tips,
substitution options, and answers to FAQs to help you succeed
the first time around!
Posts may contain affiliate links that help enable me to continue to provide you with free recipes. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my Privacy Policy for details.
Happy Sunday TKW Family! So can I just take a minute to thank Mother Nature for teh GORGEOUS weekend we are having here in the ‘Burgh?! Seriously – when you have constant rain/monsoon/gray/cloudy weather for months on end it gets pretty depressing. This was actually the first gorgeous weekend we’ve had since well, last summer. This week I feel like we got so much accomplished here. we had a bunch of how showings (fingers crossed we get an offer this week!) which meant lots of yard work, house-prepping, and cookie baking (I mean you have to leave fresh cookies out, right?!).
I even got a night off to myself to actually watch a movie while Mr. Fantabulous was at band practice. Later in the week, we even managed to cut down 2 more trees, move our gorilla, get our fishing licenses plus all accessories.
Yes, you read that right…. gorilla. we have this like 8′ ginormous gorilla statue on our property.
Gone Fishin’
With pretty much everything done with the house other than basic upkeep/yardwork Mr. Fantabulous is finding himself with actual free time. That’s awesome for him buuuuuuuuuuuut it has been a little rough for me as I still work as much. Working a FT job and running my own company can keep a girl pretty busy with little free time but I love what I do. However he’s the most important person in my life so I find a happy balance between home life and work. He’s mentioned a few times that he wants to go fishing but for one reason or another we never went. Last night we made a promise to go this week (provided the weather is good) and live like normal folks.
Now what’s funny is that he didn’t put too much thought into the rods/reels, hooks or lures (though I emphatically said that I REFUSED to touch the worm) but rather his main concern was ‘what are we going to eat???’ LOL That’s my baby! I used to go all the time when I was a kid with my family as it was free and fun. Mom would make HUGE coolers full of foods that could feed an army plus everyone else at the lake or creek! I’m thinking of keeping it simple – tub of fried chicken, baked beans, cole slaw, chips and some drinks.
Definitely make sure to follow me on Instagram for some fishin’ footage!
Bacon for Life
As you guys know, I LOVE ButcherBox! I’ve been partnering up with them for about 6 months and have nothing but praise for their quality cuts of meats, poultry, fish and BACON! Seriously, you know how much I LOVE bacon! Like bacon and pizza should be their own food groups in my opinion!
Order Today and Get Free Bacon For Life! ButcherBox bacon is uncured and free of sugar and nitrates, paleo friendly, and Whole30 Approved! ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef, free range organic chicken, heritage breed pork, and wild caught Alaskan sockeye salmon , directly to your door and shipping is always free. Each month, ButcherBox curates a one-of-a-kind selection of the healthiest, tastiest meats, humanely raised and free of antibiotics and hormones. Or you can customize your box and select your favorite cuts and get 20% more meat.The price works out to less than $6.00/meal and shipping is always free.
This is YOUR chance to Bring Home The Bacon! Order your first ButcherBox before midnight July 8th and get free bacon for life!
In Case You Missed It Last Week: New Facebook Group
Thousands of you have said “Lori, we never see your Facebook posts in our feed anymore. We miss you!” I miss you guys too! Unfortunately, the social media algorithms change constantly where it’s not like how it was in the “old days” where if you liked a page it showed up each and every time the page posted in your feed.
What I decided to do, and that’s recommended by most social media experts, is to also create a Private Facebook Group page off of my business page. The kitchen is where both food and memories are made! Share along in the kitchen adventures of our TKW Family! Here is where you can ask questions about recipes, products, kitchen techniques or just chit chat! about food! It’s a great way to also showcase your creations but most importantly you’re guaranteed to never miss a recipe post! Click on the Private Facebook Group to request to join!
Weekly Menu Recipes
With that guys, I need to get going. We are heading downtown tonight for PizzaFest so I need to get changed and run some errands. Below I’ve put together some easy and delicious meal prep recipes that can help with dinner or lunch for the week. Plus dessert as well, you always have to have dessert! Is your favorite recipe listed?
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