
How to revive wilted herbs

Tuesday's Tip: Bring those wilted, forgotten herbs back to life with this "shocking" method!

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Tuesday’s Tip: Bring those wilted, forgotten herbs back to life with this “shocking” method!


  • Wilted herb or leafy green, lettuce or spinach
  • Ice cubes
  • Water


  1. Fill a large bowl with lots of ice and water.
  2. Check out your herbs for any bruised, damaged or mushy/black leaves. Discard those pieces.
  3. Remove the remaining leaves/herbs from the stems. The stems you can freeze for futures sauces, soups, etc.
  4. Take the salvaged herbs and submerge them into the ice bath. Depending on the type of herb it can take 15-60 minutes to revive them. *See the note about Basil!
  5. Once the herbs have floated to the top all bright green and perky, drain and dry completely. I tend to use paper towels.
  6. At this point, you’re ready to use. You can store these for 1-2 days in the fridge as long as they are wrapped in paper towels in an airtight container.



Basil is the only really temperamental herb. If you shock (soak it) too long the leaves will turn black. Just shock it just until he leaves start to perk up. At most 30-90 seconds. Next, IMMEDIATELY remove from the water, dry and use. You cannot store these leaves.