These Weekly Menu recipes allow you to get out of that same ol’ recipe rut and try some delicious and easy dishes! This week I highly recommend making the PB&J Crack bars the Tater Tot breakfast pie, and the Lemon Langistino pasta!
Happy Sunday TKW Family! Life of a rocker’s wife is tiring. Many of you know that Mr. Fantabulous is an incredible guitarist. As of late, they’ve been gigging a lot which means, where he goes, I go. I don’t mind at all though. Seeing him on stage, shining like the brightest star, is one of the best things ever. But the long nights, the lugging of the gear (I guess that’s one positive thing about my being in a cast as I can’t carry anything), and the hours sitting in at the venue both before and after are tiring.
I have a close friend who’s husband is an uber-famous guitarist from one of the most popular 80’s bands and she warned me how tiring it can be. I get it now gf; I get it! But I push through as every time I see him on stage, magic happens.
Pizza Stones
How many of you use a pizza stone in your home oven? I had one from one of those cooking “chef” parties. It worked 3 times before it shattered. It was a nightmare to clean and like I said, it shattered. Since then I hadn’t used one. Instead, I used pizza screens as that’s what we used at our pizzeria. Well, last week I met the folks from Emile Henry and they educated ys on their pizza stones. Now I have a few of their bakeware pieces that I LOVE so I wasn’t surprised to have fallen in love with their stones.
We were shown by Master Pizzaioli, Leo Spirrizza, that by having one stone on the lower third and one on the upper rack you could easily control the heat and create a pseudo-real pizza oven by controlling the heat between the 2 stones. I tested this out at home and a fresh Neapolitan dough on the lower stone with the one stone above it produced an AMAZING pizza of true Neopolitan style! I’ll be writing up more about this but folks I’m telling you, this stone is incredible!
It’s oven and freezer safe AND you can put it in the dishwasher!
$500 Baking Prize Package Sweepstakes from Red Star Yeast
Just a reminder as this is one amazing giveaway!!!
- Use Platinum Instant Sourdough from Red Star to “sourdough up” your favorite yeast recipe
- Take a photo of your final baked product that includes a packet of Platinum Instant Sourdough Yeast
- Share your photo on Instagram using the hashtags #SourdoughItUp and tag @RedStarYeast in the picture. *This is on Instagram ONLY
- The photo must be shared on a public Instagram account
To request a free sample, while supplies last, click th link and scroll to the bottom of the page. *Please mention that you found out about this from me, The Kitchen Whisperer when you request your sample!
However, due to high demand, you may wish to purchase this in the store to enter the contest as you may not get the sample in time.
Weekly Menu Recipes
With that guys, I’m going to call it a day. I’m beat and just feel like taking a shower and relaxing tonight. Below I’ve put together some easy and delicious meal prep recipes that can help with dinner or lunch for the week. Plus dessert as well, you always have to have dessert! Is your favorite recipe listed below?
With that, have one fantabulously amazing week!
♥ Monday – Gochujang wings
♥ Tuesday – Bourbon Honey Butter Pork Tenderloin
♥ Wednesday – Tater Tot breakfast pie
♥ Thursday – Lemon Langistino pasta
♥ Friday – Club Pizza Puffs
♥ Saturday – Italian Pot Roast
♥ Sunday – BBQ Jelly drumsticks
♥ Dessert of the week – PB&J Crack bars
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